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A constructed language (shortened to conlang) is a language whose phonology, grammar, orthography, and vocabulary, instead of having developed naturally, are consciously devised for some purpose, which may include being devised for a work of fiction.


Toki Pona #

I am proficient with Toki Pona and use it intermittently for casual conversation with my housemates. My name in Toki Pona is jan Antu (Andrew) or jan Akata (Hactar).

For learning Toki Pona, I recommend using either or to look up words and watching jan Misali’s toki pona lessons (as many as have been released). As of November 2024, I think the biggest thing missing from the video series is time idioms (such as tempo suno for “day”). If you know a good learning resource, please reach out to me at!

mi ken toki pona kepeken toki pona. tenpo la mi en jan tomo mi li toki e ona. mi jan Antu. mi jan Akata.

sina wile kama sona e toki pona la, o kama jo e nimi tan lipu anu tan lipu o lukin e sitelen tawa ni tan jan Misali. ona li pana e mute. taso, ona li pana ala e ale pi toki pona. ona li pana ala e nimi tenpo. sina sona e ijo pona pi pana sona la, o pana tawa!

New Ithkuil #

I was very active in the online Ithkuil community from 2017 to 2019, and contributed to New Ithkuil. The official documentation for New Ithkuil is on, but it is poorly formatted and contains many errors so I recommend learning from the Community Revised Edition.

I may return to conlanging someday. I’m inspired by New Ithkuil’s grammatical precision but I think there is still room for improvement, and its lexical priorities are very bizarre. (Is it really necessary to have a separate root for every single genus of flora and fauna? And a stem for “garage door opener,” but not “garage,” “door,” or “remote control”?)

Comic poking fun at how long it takes to construct Ithkuil words